Silk tapestry with embroidered Guanyin statue axis

[Knuckle Silk and Embroidery Guanyin Image Axis]

Knuckle Silk and Embroidery Guanyin Image Axis, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, 147 centimeters vertically and 60 centimeters horizontally. The old collection of the Qing Palace
This image depicts Guanyin wearing a colorful skirt decorated with jewels and wreaths, standing on a lotus platform amidst colorful auspicious clouds, with a backlight shining behind her, and a canopy covering her head for worshipping Amitabha. “Guanyin has 21 hands on each side of the body, either holding a Dharma implement or holding a hand print, which is the image of a thousand handed Guanyin in the Han Dynasty.”. Avalokitesvara also wears human and animal clothing, which is a sign of the influence of Tibetan Buddhism. The painting uses techniques such as Qi Kuo, Kuo Jin, and Gou Kuo to weave characters and their clothing, while the cloth of Guanyin is embroidered with stitches to express the texture and transparency of light yarn. At the same time, painting techniques such as applying color and gold to certain details show effects that are difficult to achieve by Kuo and embroidery. The comprehensive use of various artistic techniques makes the artistic image of Guanyin more plump and perfect, and can be regarded as an excellent representative of the art of tapestry and embroidery during the Qianlong period
Ten seals, including the “Secret Palace Zhulin”, “New Edition of the Secret Palace”, “Redesign of the Zhulin”, “Sanxi Hall Jingjian Seal”, “Suitable for Descendants”, “Qianqing Palace Jiancang Treasure”, “Supreme Emperor’s Treasure”, “Qianlong Imperial Tour Treasure”, “Qianlong Appreciation”, and “Xuantong Imperial Tour Treasure”, are sealed.
图片[1]-Silk tapestry with embroidered Guanyin statue axis-China Archive

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