Jade Jiaolong New “Treasure of the Wenhua Palace”

[Jade Jiaolong Niu “Wen Hua Dian Bao”]

“Wen Hua Dian Bao”, Qing Qianlong, made of jade, Jiaolong Niu square seal, Chinese seal script. The surface is 12.8cm square, the overall height is 10.6cm, and the button height is 5cm. Attach a yellow ribbon< "The Wenhua Hall is a group of buildings located in the east of the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City, forming a self-contained system, which was first built in the 18th year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty (1420).". It was originally the east palace of the crown prince, and was changed to the residence of the emperor when he fasted and the place where he met his ministers. This is also the palace where the emperor held the royal feast. At the Jingyan, which is a royal banquet, the lecturer first explained some topics in the Four Books and the Five Classics, and then the emperor expounded the principles of righteousness. In the early Ming Dynasty, there was no fixed moon or sun. In the early years of orthodoxy, it began to be a regular ceremony, and on the second day of each month, the Royal Ding Wenhua Hall gave lectures three times a month. During the Wanli period, spring talks and autumn talks are held. The Qing Dynasty inherited the Ming Dynasty system, and the Wenhua Hall was still used as the venue for the ceremony. In the 24th year of Kangxi's reign (1685), it was scheduled to be held on February 8th every year, with the Grand Master, the Shang Shu, the Zuo Du Yu Shi, the Shi Lang, the Bachelor, and the Zhan Shi serving as the ceremony lecturers. There were eight people from the Manchu and Han Dynasties, respectively. Although the details of the ceremony changed slightly, the system remained unchanged

图片[1]-Jade Jiaolong New “Treasure of the Wenhua Palace”-China Archive
图片[2]-Jade Jiaolong New “Treasure of the Wenhua Palace”-China Archive青玉交龙纽“文华殿宝”钤本

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