Jasper Jiaolong New “Wish Talisman” Treasure

[Jasper Jiaolongniu “Wish Fuchu” Treasure]

“Wish Fuchu” Seal, Qing Qianlong, jasper quality, Jiaolongniu square seal, Chinese seal script. The surface is 9.7 cm square, the overall height is 10.3 cm, and the button height is 5.2 cm
This is a treasure seal made by Emperor Qianlong in his later years. In the late years of Emperor Qianlong’s reign, in his spare time of political training, he often immersed himself in the aftertaste of his glorious life, relishing the words “achieving the initial goal” and “fulfilling the initial wish”, and obtaining great satisfaction and spiritual sustenance in the aftertaste. In the late years of Emperor Qianlong’s reign, he mentioned many times about the “beginning of the wish symbol”. For example, “In the early years of my reign, I burned incense to tell the heavens. If I were to record the age of Zhou Jia, I would be the heir of the Emperor, and I would not dare to honor the Emperor Xi. I would like to add the number of copies to this list. The imperial edict was issued in the Ming Dynasty, and it was announced to both China and foreign countries. I am honored to welcome Hong Li, and I am fortunate to fulfill my first wish, and the new year’s court granted a seal.” In the Zhou Jia era, my wish was in accordance with the beginning. This year, the Grand Court of Yuan Zheng granted a seal, and I am honored to be the Emperor of the Supreme Court. I am honored to be a complete person “I have a long life expectancy of nine ranks, a healthy spirit, and a healthy sense of hearing and hearing. If I return to government in the coming year, and then feel free to relax, and even ignore the important tasks of the world, it is not because I respect the family members of heaven, nor do I return to government regularly in the early years of the reign of Emperor Ji, and I am unwilling to fall in love with the throne.” “Since the first day of the reign of Bingchen, I have been reading the seal and the beginning of the wish symbol for three years.” From the above quotation, it can be seen that the so-called “beginning of the wish symbol” by Emperor Qianlong roughly has the following two meanings: first, Zhou Jia of the era. As an emperor, it is not easy to rule the world for 60 years. Although Emperor Qianlong repeatedly emphasized that “he dared not worship the Emperor Xi and increase the number of his ancestors”, in fact, his enjoyment of the country far exceeded that of Emperor Kangxi, which was his never expressed wish. Secondly, by conferring a seal and returning to government, the emperor was called the Supreme Emperor, which qualified him to be compared with the wise lord Ming Jun in history, ranking him as “the first emperor in ancient and modern times.”. This seal was carved against this background, fully reflecting the mentality of Emperor Qianlong in his later years

图片[1]-Jasper Jiaolong New “Wish Talisman” Treasure-China Archive
图片[2]-Jasper Jiaolong New “Wish Talisman” Treasure-China Archive碧玉“心愿符初之宝”钤本

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