Qianlong style enamel vase with lotus pattern and elephant ears

[Qianlong Enamel Colored Lotus Pattern Elephant Ear Bottle]

Qianlong Enamel Colored Lotus Pattern Elephant Ear Bottle, Qing Dynasty Qianlong, 14.4 cm high, 5.3 cm caliber, 6.2 cm foot diameter
Bottle skimming, short neck, round belly, and circular feet. Apply turquoise green glaze inside. The outer wall is painted with seven string patterns in gold color, and the shoulders are symmetrically decorated with gilded elephant ears and rings to cover the head. The theme decoration is a gold colored brocade pattern with a treasure phase pattern painted on the ground. The outer bottom is painted with turquoise green glaze, with a blue and white seal character “made in the Qianlong era” in four characters and double lines, and the outer blue and white columns are arranged on both sides
The decoration of this bottle is elaborate and magnificent, reflecting the decorative style of late Qianlong porcelain. In the late Qianlong period, the enamel color process mostly used colorful ground, colored ground rolling, and imitation gilding techniques, in sharp contrast to the fresh and elegant style of Yongzheng white embryo enamel color.
图片[1]-Qianlong style enamel vase with lotus pattern and elephant ears-China Archive
图片[2]-Qianlong style enamel vase with lotus pattern and elephant ears-China Archive乾隆款珐琅彩勾莲纹象耳瓶款识

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