Black paint painted gold backrest

[Black paint painted gold backrest]

In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, it has a total length of 153.5 cm, a width of 82.5 cm, and a seat surface height of 8.2 cm
This object is formed by docking two parts of the seat surface and the seat frame, with a movable mortise and tenon in the middle connecting the front and rear parts. When not in use, you can remove the mortise and lower the rear backrest, and then put it into a box with a height of 40 centimeters, a length of 90 centimeters, and a width of 90 centimeters. The seat surface is made of octagonal purple gold ingot spice slices with a diameter of 5cm, and its upper line is engraved with gold cloud bat and lotus patterns, and the surrounding ring is engraved with gold loop edges. The edge of the seat surface is 3cm wide, and is decorated with a golden ten thousand character brocade pattern with a bat pattern on the ground. The movable bracket is made of circular wood and decorated with gold painted flowers. The bracket has carved Kui pattern flower teeth, which serve as reinforcement and beautification
This backrest has a gorgeous design and is comfortable and practical. Its production materials have unique characteristics. The Kui pattern pieces inlaid in the seat surface, rear floor, and fence are made of purple gold ingot spice pieces. In the Qing Dynasty, it was customary to use purple gold ingot spice slices to make rosary beads, hand strings, fasting signs, and other objects, but it is still rare to use them extensively in furniture. This is the only piece of furniture in the collection of the Palace Museum, which is extremely precious

图片[1]-Black paint painted gold backrest-China Archive
图片[2]-Black paint painted gold backrest-China Archive黑漆描金靠背局部图片[3]-Black paint painted gold backrest-China Archive黑漆描金靠背局部图片[4]-Black paint painted gold backrest-China Archive黑漆描金靠背局部

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