Tang Qianli Dong Bangda Statue Axis

[Tang Qianli Dong Bangda Statue Axis]

Dong Bangda Statue Axis, Qing Yongzheng, Tang Qianli Painting, silk color, 93.8 cm vertical, 68.4 cm horizontal
Tang Qianli has no history of painting. According to the picture and the title, it can be seen that his character is far away and is from Piling (now Changzhou, Jiangsu). It was held during the reign of Kangxi and Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty. He is good at drawing figures and landscapes
This picture reads from itself “written by Yongzheng Renzi in the rain window in summer and June. Piling Tang Qianli”. Seal “Tang”, “Qianli” and “Chengyuan”. There are poems by Dong Bangda and Fu Zeng on the painting. There are four poems in the poem hall, including Lu Qingyuan, Liang Dong, Ma Shu and Zhou Shu
The picture shows Dong Bangda sitting by the window in his humble abode, holding a book. In terms of painting, the strokes are subtle, the five features of the characters are vivid, and their expressions are vivid. The background trees and rocks, cottages, and streams are cold and quiet, depicting the real nature, and showing Dong Bangda’s passion for studying hard in poverty. This picture was painted in the tenth year of Yongzheng (1732), when Dong Bangda was 34 years old, and had not yet passed the Jinshi examination.
图片[1]-Tang Qianli Dong Bangda Statue Axis-China Archive

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