Embroidered Avalokitesvara Thangka

[Embroidery of Avalokitesvara Thangka]

Embroidery of Avalokitesvara Thangka, 18th century, inland, silk, embroidery, 83 cm high, 56.5 cm horizontal, 47 cm vertical and 34.5 cm horizontal. The old collection of the Qing Palace
This Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has a red body, a young and innocent face, a five-Buddha crown on his head, a jewelry necklace on his body, a right hand hanging down, a vow seal, and a lotus flower in his left hand, and a cross sitting. There are four statues of Bodhisattvas around the Lord, all of which are seated in the wheel king position
This work is embroidered with Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara on the natural color satin. The embroidery thread is set with a combination of color fading and interhalo. The stitch method such as flat embroidery, flat gold, flat cover, loose cover, and stitching is used. It is like the red gold longevity character weaving gold satin on the outside
There is a white silk sticker on the back of the Thangka, and the inscription is written in four languages in Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan. The Chinese text is: “On the first day of September in the forty-third year of Qianlong’s reign, the emperor ordered Zhang Jiahu to recognize and worship the benefit embroidered Avalokitesvara…… Second from the left”.
图片[1]-Embroidered Avalokitesvara Thangka-China Archive
图片[2]-Embroidered Avalokitesvara Thangka-China Archive绣像观世音菩萨唐卡

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