Gold inlaid jade gourd box

[Gold inlaid jade gourd box]

Gold inlaid jade gourd box, clear, 6 cm high, 15 cm long, 10.5 cm wide at most
The box is made of nine-percent gold and is made of silk in the shape of a gourd. The cover is inlaid with a large jade gourd, and the big gourd is inlaid with a small green jade gourd and branches and leaves. The cover is inlaid with pink tourmaline gourd and emerald gourd respectively, and there are branches and leaves and vines made of lapis lazuli and turquoise. The box contains a sapphire and a copper gilded small Ruyi
The gourd is a vine plant with long vines, numerous grains and numerous grains, so it is regarded as a mascot to symbolize and pray for generations to come. The pattern of several gourds on the gourd vine is known as “generation after generation”. The gourd is also homophonic for “fortune”, which means that fortune will last for thousands of generations and happiness will be boundless

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