Gold inlaid red sandalwood handle jade crown fruit fork

[Gold inlaid red sandalwood handle jade crown fruit fork]

Gold inlaid red sandalwood handle jade crown fruit fork, clear, with a total length of 21.8 cm
Fruit fork is made of gold. The wooden handle is carved with peony decoration and inlaid with red sandalwood handle. The wooden handle is inlaid with 48 characters of “longevity” with gold and silver wire, and the top is inlaid with white jade carved top
The fruit fork is one of the palace food utensils. Its decoration is mostly on the handle. It is usually inlaid with gold, silver, jade, wood, teeth, bone, enamel, etc., with different shapes, various types and exquisite craftsmanship. The practice of inlaying gold and jade on this fruit fork should be derived from the provisions of the hierarchy system, indicating that this article was used in the important ceremony of the emperor and empress. The longevity character on it can be inferred that this fork was specially made for the birthday of an emperor or queen

图片[1]-Gold inlaid red sandalwood handle jade crown fruit fork-China Archive

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