Coral carved turquoise cloud bat pattern snuff bottle

[Coral carved turquoise cloud bat snuff bottle]

Coral carved turquoise cloud bat snuff bottle, clear, 6 cm high, 1.6 cm caliber
The snuff bottle is made of coral, and the whole body is mainly red, with slight white spots. Flat bottle shape. On one side of the pot, there are light reliefs of pines, rocks and ganoderma lucidum, and on the other side, there are auspicious clouds and bats. The two shoulders are embossed with the dark beast ring ears. The tobacco pot is equipped with a yellow material holder with a emerald cover and an ivory spoon underneath
Coral is the bone fossil of coral in the sea. There are many kinds of coral, most of which are red and white, of which the pure red coral is the top grade. Red coral is also divided into two types: light red or pink, which are called “angel face” or “child face”. The corals of red corals are colorless. When they grow up, they gradually turn red from the skin to red or pink, and their center is still white, so red corals have white hearts or white tips.
图片[1]-Coral carved turquoise cloud bat pattern snuff bottle-China Archive
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