Emperor Qianlong’s Concubine and Emperor Jiaqing’s Young Statue Axis

[Axis of Empress Qianlong and Emperor Jiaqing’s Young Statue]

Axis of Empress Qianlong and Emperor Jiaqing’s Young Statue, Qing Dynasty, silk version, color setting, 326.5 cm vertically and 186 cm horizontally
This picture is a typical palace painting in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. It is rich and beautiful. The painted scene is an interior decorated by Nanmu, with a concubine and a child standing in front of the window downstairs. According to the yellow sign on the picture, “Today’s royal appearance, the first day of December, the 20th year of Jiaqing’s reign”, this picture depicts the childhood of Emperor Qianlong’s fifteenth son, Yong Yan. The lady may be his mother, Wei Jia, who was later honored as the Empress Xiaoyi Chun, and was then the imperial concubine; The yellow label on the picture was added after Emperor Jiaqing (Yong Yan) ascended the throne. Judging from the painting style, the portrait part of this picture has distinctive European oil painting characteristics, and should be painted by Lang Shining

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