Jinnong Figures Landscape Atlas

[Jinnong People’s Landscape Atlas]
There are 12 volumes in total, which draw Buddha, landscape, character stories, etc
The first opening: The Buddha and Bodhi trees are painted in ink, with two lines of self-title on the left, and the paragraph “August of Self-Mao”. Seal “Jinji Gold Seal”.

The second opening: draw the Buddha Ritual Map, with six lines on the right side, and the paragraph “The Painting Record of the Buddhist Monk with the Heart”. Seal “Jinji Gold Seal”

The third opening: draw a picture of the autumn forest to talk with each other. The left side has eight lines of self-question, and the paragraph is “Ji Liu Shan Min Ji”. Seal “Lianfeng Buddhist” and other two seals

The fourth opening: painting lakes and mountains and collecting water chestnuts, with a seven-character poem at the bottom right and six lines at the bottom, “Mr. Dongxin’s Notes”. Seal “Mr. Dongxin”

The fifth opening: painting green mountains and thin Ting, with an inscription on the top, which reads “The seventy-three Weng Jinnong’s painting on August 11, the twenty-fourth year of Qianlong Emperor”. The seal of “Jinshi Shoumen”

The sixth opening: ink painting ghost interesting picture, seven lines from the top left, “The Legend of the Fairy Dragon and Shuttle”. Seal “Jinnong” and “Lianfeng Jushi”

The seventh opening: draw a picture of Yuchuan tea cooking, two lines from the title, and the style of “Xiye Buddhist”. Seal “longevity”

The eighth opening: draw the board bridge and water, and guide the staff in the peach forest. On the left side, he wrote seven unique poems and wrote “Jin 26lang’s Painting Poetry Book”

The ninth opening: painting the boat between the willow ponds, with a seven-character poem on the top right, and the section “Qujiang Foreign History Painting Poetry Book”. Seal “Mr. Dongxin”

The tenth opening: Huatang Pavilion, with words and songs written on the top, and “Jinniu Lake Mountain Poems with old and small strokes and a song written by yourself”. Seal “Shou” and “Peng”

The eleventh opening: draw a picture of holding your knees and thinking long, and the title on the top right is “I have seen you in the past, and Jin Laoding has his own name in his old age”. Seal “Jin Laoding”

The twelfth opening: draw the picture of the mountain monk knocking at the door, and the lower left title is a seven-character poem, and the paragraph is “the combination of Xiye monks”. Seal “Guoquan”. There are inscriptions of Jian An and Wu Hufan on the side and the attached page

This picture is flexible and clumsy, and the mountains and rocks are written with an intentional pen, with light ink and light dye. The willows, miscellaneous trees and plantains use the method of hooking and pinching the leaves, and the Qian He uses the horizontal pen, and the Buddha, figures and mountain ghosts use the slow and simple pen, which is full of charm. The strokes of the whole painting are clumsy and mysterious, the colors are beautiful and elegant, and the artistic conception is deep. It is the representative work of Jinnong’s landscape figure painting
Jiancang seal: “Zeng Zang Pan Jiancang”, “Memorable Top”, “Zhenfu Approval” and other 62 parties
Description of Pang Laichen’s “Xu Zhai Famous Paintings”

图片[1]-Jinnong Figures Landscape Atlas-China Archive
图片[2]-Jinnong Figures Landscape Atlas-China Archive《人物山水图》册第二开·礼佛图图片[3]-Jinnong Figures Landscape Atlas-China Archive《人物山水图》册第三开·马和之秋林共话图图片[4]-Jinnong Figures Landscape Atlas-China Archive《人物山水图》册第四开·吴兴众山如青螺图片[5]-Jinnong Figures Landscape Atlas-China Archive《人物山水图》册第五开·山青青,云冥冥图片[6]-Jinnong Figures Landscape Atlas-China Archive《人物山水图》册第六开·宋龚开善画鬼图片[7]-Jinnong Figures Landscape Atlas-China Archive《人物山水图》册第七开·玉川先生煎茶图图片[8]-Jinnong Figures Landscape Atlas-China Archive《人物山水图》册第八开·画舫空留波照影图片[9]-Jinnong Figures Landscape Atlas-China Archive《人物山水图》册第九开·回汀曲渚暖生烟图片[10]-Jinnong Figures Landscape Atlas-China Archive《人物山水图》册第十开·荷花开了图片[11]-Jinnong Figures Landscape Atlas-China Archive《人物山水图》册第十一开·昔年曾见图片[12]-Jinnong Figures Landscape Atlas-China Archive《人物山水图》册第十二开·山僧叩门图

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