Jiang Chenying wrote the scroll of Mian Zhai

[Jiang Chenying’s Running Script Mianzai Shuo Axis]

The Running Script Mianzai Shuo Axis, Qing Dynasty, Jiang Chenying’s book, paper, 174.2 cm in length and 64.7 cm in width
Explanatory Notes on the Running Script of Mian Zhai
This axis is written by Jiang Chenying for his friend Zhang Mian, the son of Zhang Yu’an, and the Zhai inscription of the book. The last reading is: “Kang Xi was thirty-six years old, and Jiang Chenying wrote and combined the book in Cixi on the first day of the first month of the Clown.” The left seal “Jiang Chenying”, “Ximing”, “All books are old”, and “Weijian Book House” were printed everywhere. The seal of “Old Yizhai” is stamped under the heading. This picture has no Tibetan seal and no description
Jiang’s calligraphy is based on the imitation of the ancient, and integrates the advantages of various schools for its own use. The style of the calligraphy is clear and vigorous. The whole ancestor of the Qing Dynasty said that its calligraphy is particularly fascinating, and it can directly follow the style before the Tang Dynasty. “The Qing Barnyard Banknotes said:” Ximing was good at cursing in the Kangxi Dynasty “. This axis is written by Jiang Chenying when she lived in Tianjin before she went to Beijing for her exams at the beginning of the 36th year of Kangxi’s reign (1697). Jiang was 70 years old. Calligraphy inherits the Jin people and has the charm of Dong’s calligraphy, which is the best of his running calligraphy in his later years.
图片[1]-Jiang Chenying wrote the scroll of Mian Zhai-China Archive

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