Liu Yong’s regular script seven-character poetry volume

[Liu Yong’s regular script seven-character poetry volume]

The small regular script seven-character poetry volume, Qing Dynasty, Liu Yong’s book, paper, 6.9 cm in length and 11.8 cm in width
This volume records lyric poems, and the last reading is: “The second day of the Double Ninth Festival in September is written in the Jiu’an Room in the third autumn”, and the signature is “East Wushi Temple”. The next seal is “Liu Yong” and “Shi Xuan”. The last page is sealed with “Kun” and “Qian”. The front page is mounted with the seal of “Zi Gu Zhi”. The second paragraph of Shao Songnian’s postscript in the late Qing Dynasty is attached
“Bingchen” is the first year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1796). Liu Yong was 78 years old
The calligraphy in this book is simple and thick, and the knot is round, with the charm of Wei and Jin people. Bao Shichen of the Qing Dynasty wrote in his “Art Boat and Two Boats”: “After the seventies of the Qing Dynasty, he devoted himself to the tablet of the Northern Dynasty, although his energy has declined and he has not been able to further study, but his interest in learning is beyond the dust.” From this book, it is not difficult to see that Liu Yong’s calligraphy in his later years absorbed some characteristics of the northern tablet, and incorporated the hard and vigorous strokes into the original round and elegant calligraphy style, which changed his style of writing. After the volume, Shao Songnian said in his postscript that this volume “has a sharp and rhythmic momentum, and has a rounded structure and rules in motion”. This volume represents Liu Yong’s artistic level of Xiaokai in his later years.
图片[1]-Liu Yong’s regular script seven-character poetry volume-China Archive
图片[2]-Liu Yong’s regular script seven-character poetry volume-China Archive小楷七言诗册第三开图片[3]-Liu Yong’s regular script seven-character poetry volume-China Archive小楷七言诗册第二开图片[4]-Liu Yong’s regular script seven-character poetry volume-China Archive小楷七言诗册第一开图片[5]-Liu Yong’s regular script seven-character poetry volume-China Archive小楷七言诗册邵松年题跋图片[6]-Liu Yong’s regular script seven-character poetry volume-China Archive小楷七言诗册第六开图片[7]-Liu Yong’s regular script seven-character poetry volume-China Archive小楷七言诗册第五开

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