Kang Youwei’s Running Script Record Axis

[Kang Youwei’s Running Script Recording Axis]

The Running Script axis, Qing Dynasty, Kang Youwei’s book, paper, 132.3 cm vertically, 64.7 cm horizontally, running script, 3 lines of 16 characters
Learn spirit for three years, empty and divine. The light sees good and good, good and good. Kang Youwei
The specific writing date is unknown, and the payment is “Kang Youwei”. The seal is “Kang Youwei’s seal” (in white), and “Six hundred thousand miles of travel across four continents through 31 countries in three weeks in the sixteenth year of the death of the Hundred Days of the Restoration” (in Zhu Wen). This picture has no hidden seal
This axis records a passage in the Chinese language of Jiao Yanshou’s Yi Lin in the Western Han Dynasty, which is slightly different. This axis connects and relaxes, taking the square hardness of the north stele, and using the stroke of the center of the running script, it falters forcefully, while the turning point is round, showing a grand momentum. At that time, Fu cast a comment on his book, saying, “Gai Chun, who takes the situation with simplicity and clumsiness, can wash the mediocrity and stand alone in style. However, it is not as good as his words without reserve, and it is not as good as his words.” This comment can be said to be appropriate, pointing out that although Kang’s calligraphy is full of new ideas, it is too much more than the law, which appears to be explicit but not implicit.
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