Shen Zengzhi’s Semi cursive Script Mount Huangshan Valley Poetry Axis

[Shen Zengzhi’s running script Mount Huangshan Valley poetry axis]

Running script poetry axis, Qing Dynasty, Shen Zengzhi’s book, paper, 145.8 cm in length and 40 cm in width
The misty rain returns to the wild geese, and I sit in Xiaoxiang Dongting. To call the boat back, the old man said it was blue. Valley poetry. Mei Weng
This axis records one of the five paintings titled Zheng Fang by Huang Tingjian of the Song Dynasty. It reads itself as “valley poem”. Payment Department: “Mei Weng”. The lower seal is “Shen Zengzhi’s seal” and “Hairi Tower”. The initial seal is “knowing one thought is immeasurable robbery”. This picture has no Tibetan seal and no description
The calligraphy on this axis has powerful strokes, mostly using side edges, and sharp strokes. It has the charm of calligraphy on the north tablet, and its layout is also unique. Shen’s calligraphy seems to be loose, but in fact, it means that the pen should follow and the care should be taken care of. The white cloth of the rule of law echoes everywhere. It gives way to each other and seeks movement in silence. This axis represents the artistic level of Shen Zengzhi’s running script.
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