Wu Li Hengshan Sunny Mist Scroll

[Wu Li Hengshan Sunny Mist Map]

The Sunny Mist Map of Hengshan, the forty-fifth year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1706), Wu Li painting, paper edition, color setting, 22.8 cm vertically and 157.3 cm horizontally.
At the top corner of the picture is the author’s book: “The mountains are clear.” The seal is “ink well”, and at the right corner of the picture is “Yanling”. At the end of the volume, the author wrote his own title: “The pen is writing across the mountains, clouds and rocks are scattered. The broken window and banana rain pass by, but the ink stone pool is flat. The painting is made on the tenth day, the sea and sky are rainy, and the red sun is bright in the window. The title of the exhibition is. In the middle of autumn of the third year of Kangxi’s reign, the Taoist Moneyman Moneywell.” The seal “Moneywell” is sealed
“Bingxu” was the forty-fifth year of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty (1706), when Wu Li was 75 years old
Wu Li wrote a postscript at the end of the paper: “In recent years, I seem to be diligent and lazy, sometimes I don’t refuse to freeze, sometimes I forget to eat in the summer, and sometimes I can’t sleep with it. Sometimes the spring is warm and the window is clear, and the ink is fine. I don’t know the origin of the disease, or the reason of old age. However, the young people often have the same. A few days ago, I felt that my wrist is strong and my pen is strong, and I made a small scroll by learning to cut wood in the mountains. Although I didn’t get its elegance, I can see it grow and fall in summer. In May, Taoist Mo wrote a postscript.” “Seal of Wu Li”, “Taoist Mojing”, and “Yanling”
There are “Lu Tingcan’s seal”, “Plain Manting Pavilion’s seal” and so on. There are three inscriptions of Dai Zhaofen, Gong Wang and Gu Wenbin on the back
The author said in the tail paper that this picture was written by Wang Meng of the Yuan Dynasty, and it really has the meaning of vast and elegant. The whole picture is mostly drawn with dry pen, and the rough pen is chapped, simple and thick, with clear veins. Because the painter lived in Macao in his early years and contacted some western paintings, the mountains in the painting showed a sunny and sunny back, and seemed to have the feeling of a sunny day in the sky. The peaks were pushed to the distance layer by layer, with some sense of space. Wu Li is the earliest artist in the history of Chinese landscape painting to integrate western painting. This painting is a unique one, which naturally and properly absorbs the modeling techniques of western painting that emphasize light and shade and perspective.
图片[1]-Wu Li Hengshan Sunny Mist Scroll-China Archive

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