Wang Hui Yushan Maple Forest Map Axis

[Wang Hui’s Map of Maple Forest in Yushan]

The map of Maple Forest in Yushan, written by Wang Hui in the Qing Dynasty, is printed in paper, with colors, 146.4 cm vertically and 61.7 cm horizontally
Yushan is in Wang Hui’s hometown. He stays here day and night to explore the mysterious and secluded scenery, and wins his interest. The beautiful scenery of Yushan has become an important theme in his paintings. In the “Maple Forest of Yushan” painted by Wang Hui for his friends, Wang Hui composed the picture in a high way. The beautiful peaks are stacked, the green trees are layered, the green sky is high, the misty mist is filled, the winding path winds down according to the mountain, the small bridge slants on both sides of the stream, the village houses are scattered in the waterfront forest, and the red maple leaves are hidden among the green pines and cypresses, which is exactly the enchanting scenery of Yushan in the early winter. The whole picture is beautiful and elegant, rigorous and vivid. The mountains are mostly covered with hemp, with beautiful lines and bright colors
Although the “four kings” in the early Qing Dynasty were famous for their antiques, there were differences among them. Wang Shimin, Wang Jian, and Wang Yuanqi are mainly based on the patriarchal clan Huang Gongwang, while Wang Hui is different. At the beginning of learning painting, he also worked hard for Huang Gongwang. Since he became a teacher of Wang Jian and Wang Shimin, he has looked at the best of ancient paintings and is determined to imitate them. “Every family in the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties imitates and compels the ancient”, and “the charm of the pen and ink is unique”. Finally, he has collected the great achievements of all families, integrated and integrated, and formed his own style. Wang Hui’s early works (before the age of 40) were not blindly immersed in imitating the pictures of his predecessors. He paid more attention to the realistic sketches. He has traveled all over the country, wandering among famous mountains and rivers, taking care of beautiful mountains and landscapes, and has many sketches from life. The Painting of Maple Forest in Yushan is the representative work of Wang Hui in his early period when he mainly imitated, and it is also his masterpiece of sketching the beautiful scenery of his hometown. The landscape painting takes Huang Gongwang’s brushwork, with slight changes, and has a dull and naive taste. With the ancient style of writing, Wang Hui writes about the scenic spot in front of him. The style is bright and vivid, the form and spirit are necessary, and the natural charm is unique. It is exactly where Wang Hui is different from other “three kings”
There is a caption in small script on this picture: “Wu Shen and Xiao Chun are looking forward to it. The Taoist Priest Yiren has seen Yushan to see the maple leaves, drive in vain, and describe the joy of winning the trip. Before leaving, he asked me to take a picture of the scenery. Because this picture is sent to you for the next three days. Wang Hui, brother of Yushan, has the seal of” Wang Hui “. On the right is Wu Weiye’s seven unique titles in his running script: “The scenery in the early winter is not depressed, and the red leaves and green mountains are still beautiful. In a natural picture, the Vimo Monastery is broken. Wu Shen Jiaping is the president of the Iraqi people. Wu Weiye.” The next seal is “Wu Weiye” and the first seal is “Plum Blossom Temple”. There are also three kinds of appreciation seals: “Zhiyuan Hall Treasure”, “Crane Boat Collection”, “Zixue Mountain Room Collection Calligraphy and Painting Seal”
Wushen was the seventh year of Kangxi (1668), and Wang Hui was 37 years old.
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