The epitaph of Fang Zhou Yu in the Northern Qi Dynasty in the early Qing Dynasty

[The epitaph of Fangzhouyi in the Northern Qi Dynasty]

The epitaph of Fangzhouyi, carved in the first year of Tiantong in the Northern Qi Dynasty (565 years), is printed in ink and folded in whole paper. 62 cm vertically and 69 cm horizontally. Mr. Ma Heng donated gifts
This record was carved on October 24, the first year of Tiantong in the Northern Qi Dynasty (565). The calligraphy style of the inscription is both official script and regular script, with flexible and smooth brushwork, which is a typical feature of the inscription of the Northern Qi Dynasty. The seven-character line of the large-character seal script at the end of the annals reads “Fang Ren’s epitaph”. The style is extremely rare
The original stone was unearthed in Yidu, Shandong Province in the early years of Guangxu’s reign in the Qing Dynasty. It was once collected by Guo’s family in Weixian County and Ding’s family in Huangxian County. It is now in the Palace Museum in Beijing (see the Epitaph of Zhou Ju in the Chushi Room). This book is refined by Guo Family, which can be verified by seal. At the end of the fifteenth line, the word “Jiang” still exists, which is the characteristic of the original rubbings. The seal of the rubbing has the signature of Mr. Ma Heng. The seal is “Guo En □ Seal” and “Guangfu Treasure”.
图片[1]-The epitaph of Fang Zhou Yu in the Northern Qi Dynasty in the early Qing Dynasty-China Archive
图片[2]-The epitaph of Fang Zhou Yu in the Northern Qi Dynasty in the early Qing Dynasty-China Archive北齐房周陁墓志清代初拓本

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