Sweet white glaze bowl with eight auspicious patterns with dark flowers and twining branches

[Sweet white glaze dark flower lotus with eight auspicious patterns bowl]

Sweet white glaze dark flower lotus with eight auspicious patterns bowl, Ming Xuande, height 8.4 cm, caliber 15.5 cm, foot diameter 5.7 cm. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The bowl is open and slightly skimmed, with arc wall, thin bottom and high circle foot. White glaze is applied to the whole body and inside the feet, and the glaze color is white and slightly green. Two strings are drawn along the inner edge. There is a vertical rectangular double-line frame in the blue and white double circle in the center of the bowl, and the six characters of “Da Ming Xuan De Nian System” in blue and white regular script are directly written in the frame. The outer wall is decorated with dark decorative patterns. There are two string patterns near the edge of the mouth. The abdomen is decorated with eight auspicious patterns of twining branches and lotus. There is a lotus petal pattern near the foot, and a twig pattern on the outer wall of the foot
Sweet white porcelain was developed on the basis of the privy ware of the Yuan Dynasty. Yongle white porcelain is quiet and soft in color, giving people a sense of “sweet” visually, so it is called “sweet white porcelain”. Huang Yizheng of the Ming Dynasty wrote “The Pearl of Things”, which contained the sentence of “The white hair of the mane and eyes is always sweet and white”, and the term “sweet and white” has been used since then. Sweet white porcelain enjoys a high reputation in the history of ceramics in China, and the literature says that it is “white as clotting fat, pure as snow”. This bottle shows this characteristic appropriately.
图片[1]-Sweet white glaze bowl with eight auspicious patterns with dark flowers and twining branches-China Archive

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