Qing Yu Ming Xuanzong posthumous book

[Book of posthumous titles of Emperor Xuanzong of Qingyu Ming]

Book of posthumous titles of Emperor Xuanzong of Qingyu Ming, the tenth year of Xuande (1435), 24.7 cm long, 9.6 cm wide, and 1.1 cm thick
There are 10 pieces in the book, and 10 pieces are connected by yellow brocade. Each piece is made up of four pieces, with four gold dragons on pages 1 and 10 of the volume, and posthumous inscriptions on pages 2-9, which contain the following words: the filial son, the successor of the emperor, Qi Zhen (orthodox), would like to pay homage to the capital again, with gold characters. Since Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty died on the third day of the first month of the tenth year of Xuande’s reign (1435), according to the regulations, the year of the next emperor was only the second year after the emperor’s death. Therefore, this volume is the posthumous title of Zhengtong when he ascended the throne, but it is still called the tenth year of Xuande
The title system consisting of the emperor’s honorific title, posthumous title, temple title, year title, and mausoleum title is generally believed to have originated from the Zhou Dynasty and was abolished by the Qin Dynasty. It has been continued since the restoration of the Han Dynasty and has formed a complete system. The posthumous law plays a role in restraining evil and promoting good and maintaining feudal etiquette by evaluating the moral achievements of the deceased.
图片[1]-Qing Yu Ming Xuanzong posthumous book-China Archive
图片[2]-Qing Yu Ming Xuanzong posthumous book-China Archive青玉明宣宗谥册局部

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