Chen Hongshou’s Miscellaneous Paintings Album

[Chen Hongshou’s Miscellaneous Paintings Album]

Miscellaneous Paintings Album, Ming Dynasty, Chen Hongshou’s works, silk edition, color, 30.2 cm in each vertical direction and 25.1 cm in each horizontal direction
There are eight volumes of this volume, each of which has the author’s postscript and print. The themes of the paintings include landscapes, figures, flowers and birds, all written in meticulous style. The structure of mountains and rocks, the dynamics of flowers and butterflies, and the strange image of characters have all been added to the artist’s personal modeling ideas, which are absolutely wonderful. In one volume, the characteristics of antiquity and absurdity are expressed in a distorted and exaggerated way. It describes the Arhat in the Buddhist legend who sits on a big stone with a stick, kneels down on the opposite side, wears long clothes, and is exotic, highlighting the decorative interest. The picture page is titled “Can’t Be Said”, which is quite Zen like. In another volume, “The Painting of Magnolia Pillars and Stones”, on the right side of the picture, a the Taihu Lake Lake stone stands upright, exquisite and clear. A magnolia flower is stretched out close to the stone, and behind the stone on the other side, a crabapple flower and a colorful butterfly are also exposed. The painter grasps different features of objects to describe. The steady and hard lake rocks set off the light and soft beauty of flowers, and the thick colors set off the white of magnolia. The picture has clear layers, bright and gentle colors. In the form of expression of lines, they are all outlined with thin and strong ink lines. They are rigid and soft, skillful and clumsy, and seek unity in comparison
From the perspective of signature and painting style, this picture is Chen Hongshou’s middle and early works, one of his representative works.
图片[1]-Chen Hongshou’s Miscellaneous Paintings Album-China Archive
图片[2]-Chen Hongshou’s Miscellaneous Paintings Album-China Archive《杂画图》册-无法可说图片[3]-Chen Hongshou’s Miscellaneous Paintings Album-China Archive《杂画图》册-夔龙补衮图图片[4]-Chen Hongshou’s Miscellaneous Paintings Album-China Archive《杂画图》册-黄流巨津图片[5]-Chen Hongshou’s Miscellaneous Paintings Album-China Archive《杂画图》册-仿李唐笔意图片[6]-Chen Hongshou’s Miscellaneous Paintings Album-China Archive《杂画图》册-远浦归帆·仿赵大年笔意图片[7]-Chen Hongshou’s Miscellaneous Paintings Album-China Archive《杂画图》册-仿赵千里笔法图片[8]-Chen Hongshou’s Miscellaneous Paintings Album-China Archive《杂画图》册-玉堂柱石

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