Lvtang flower stone mandarin duck picture axis

[Lvtang Flower and Stone Mandarin Duck Painting Axis]

“Flower and Stone Mandarin Duck Painting Axis”, Ming Dynasty, Lvtang painting, silk version, color setting, 136.5 cm vertically and 53.2 cm horizontally
If there is no signature, stamp “Zhucun” and “Lv’s Huaifang”
This picture is drawn in the style of Lvji’s bold brush flowers and birds. The mountain stones are textured with the “big axe” method of Song people, and the strokes are simple and sophisticated. It is dotted with saffron leaves, with strong color contrast. The mandarin ducks at the water’s edge have bright feathers and calm demeanor, which makes the picture full of joy and peace. The subject matter and technique of the works are typical of the court paintings of the Ming Dynasty. Although they have been exposed and framed for a long time, and the color and ink have fallen off, they can still imagine their richness and elegance at that time.
图片[1]-Lvtang flower stone mandarin duck picture axis-China Archive

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