Wu Kuan’s regular script and the epitaph of Mrs. Han

[Wu Kuan’s regular script, the epitaph book of Mrs. Han]

The epitaph book of Mrs. Han, Ming Dynasty, Wu Kuan’s script, paper, regular script, 27.1 cm vertically and 28.9 cm horizontally
The signature: “Written by Wu Kuan, the doctor of Jiayi, the right servant of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the former historian.” The seal is “Yuanbo”, and the first seal is “Yanling” and “Gutaishi”
The collection is printed with “Treasure of Emperor Qianlong”, “Treasure of Emperor Jiaqing”, “Treasure Collection of Shiqu” and “Treasure Collection of Imperial Study”
This epitaph is written by Wu Kuan for the wife of Han, Jin. According to the time of her death, Wu Kuan should be over 60 years old
Wu Kuan’s calligraphy originated from Yan Zhenqing and Su Shi. Although it is naive and beautiful, it has its own broad and open potential. It is a serious matter to write epitaphs for the deceased, so the structure of the calligraphy is mostly tight, the font is square and solemn, and the characteristics of Wu Kuan’s calligraphy are also such, solemn and vigorous.
图片[1]-Wu Kuan’s regular script and the epitaph of Mrs. Han-China Archive
图片[2]-Wu Kuan’s regular script and the epitaph of Mrs. Han-China Archive韩夫人墓志铭册之三图片[3]-Wu Kuan’s regular script and the epitaph of Mrs. Han-China Archive韩夫人墓志铭册之二图片[4]-Wu Kuan’s regular script and the epitaph of Mrs. Han-China Archive韩夫人墓志铭册之一图片[5]-Wu Kuan’s regular script and the epitaph of Mrs. Han-China Archive韩夫人墓志铭册之六图片[6]-Wu Kuan’s regular script and the epitaph of Mrs. Han-China Archive韩夫人墓志铭册之五

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