Dong Qichang Sheshan Tourism Map Axis

[Dong Qichang Sheshan Tourist Attraction Map Axis]

Sheshan Tourist Attraction Map Axis, Ming Dynasty, Dong Qichang’s painting, paper version, ink pen, vertical 98.4 cm, horizontal 41 cm
The title of this picture is: “In April, Bingyin went on a boat trip to Longhua Road and wrote about the scenery of Sheshan. He stayed at the Innocent Lu on the first day. He knew four days in ten. He thought of Weng.” The seal of “Xuanzai” was sealed
“Bingyin” is the sixth year of Qiqi tomorrow (1626). Dong Qichang was 72 years old
In this year, Dong Qichang resigned from office and returned home. He took a boat trip to the south of the Yangtze River and expressed his love for landscape painting and calligraphy. According to the title, in April, it was time for him to sail to Longhua Town. This town is located in the southwest of today’s Shanghai. There is Longhua Temple in the town. Peach flowers are planted everywhere around it. Every time the peach flowers are in full bloom, a large number of tourists come here to enjoy the flowers. This picture shows Dong Qichang, when he arrived at Longhua, recalling the beautiful scenery of the lake and mountains he had experienced the previous day, and resorting to his pen and ink to have fun. Sheshan is located in Qingpu County, Jiangsu Province. It has two peaks, east and west, and beautiful scenery. It is said that people with the surname She lived in seclusion here in ancient times, so they got their name. The “tenacious immortal house” mentioned in the title was built by Chen Jiru, a close friend of Dong Qichang and a famous calligrapher and painter, and is located at the foot of Dongshe Mountain
This picture is painted in the style of running script, with elegant and simple strokes and pure and vigorous strokes. The picture vividly shows the beauty of the sparsity and tranquility of the lakes and mountains in Sheshan, and expresses and reposes Dong’s heart song of hating party disputes and yearning for seclusion in the mountains.
图片[1]-Dong Qichang Sheshan Tourism Map Axis-China Archive

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