Fan page of Wubin Liuxi fishing boat

[Fan page of Wu Bin’s Liuxi Fishing Boat Map]

Fan page of Liuxi Fishing Boat Map, painted by Wu Bin in the Ming Dynasty, gold paper, colored, 17.7cm vertically and 50cm horizontally
The fan page has its own title: “A flat boat covers the five lakes, and the birds and the birds actually swallow the Wu. Where is the gold statue today? I will touch the picture again. Wu Wenzhong.” Seal “Wen Zhong” Zhu Wenyin, “Wu Bin’s seal” Bai Wenyin
The picture shows the scenery of Jiangnan Lake with dense trees and shady trees and swaying water and grass in the wind. In the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Mouyi’s “The History of Painting” said Wu Bin: “Be good at landscapes, never imitate the ancient, but describe the real scenery.” This painting is just a sketch with real plots. The boat in the picture breaks through the water and breaks the expression pattern of “drifting with the current” between the traditional landscape painting boat and the water. It is real and vivid, and has a refreshing aesthetic feeling. The figures, trees and rocks in the picture are flat without special exaggerated deformation. Therefore, it is inferred from the painting style that the painting should be Wu Bin’s painting before his own characteristics were formed

图片[1]-Fan page of Wubin Liuxi fishing boat-China Archive

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