Blue and white jade pot spring vase of Yuxi kiln

[Yuxi Kiln Blue and White Jade Pot Spring Bottle]

Yuxi Kiln Blue and White Jade Pot Spring Bottle, yuan, 25.6 cm high, 6.7 cm caliber, 9.5 cm foot diameter
Bottle skimming, thin neck, sagging belly, round foot. The whole body is painted with blue and yellow glaze, and the outer wall is painted with blue and white banana leaves, lotus petals and fish algae patterns
This jade pot spring vase of Yuxi kiln was unearthed in the Yuan Dynasty crematorium in Lufeng, Yunnan in 1973. The blue and white wares of Yuxi Kiln in the Yuan Dynasty are obviously different from those of Jingdezhen. The blue and white wares of Yuxi Kiln are crisp in texture, yellow in glaze color, gray in color, and strong in texture. The blue and white color of this bottle is not as good as that of Jingdezhen blue and white, but the painting technique is natural and smooth, and a few strokes will make the decoration vivid, which has a certain lively artistic effect, fully reflecting the superb technical level and exquisite techniques of the porcelain industry in the border areas of China in the Yuan Dynasty.
图片[1]-Blue and white jade pot spring vase of Yuxi kiln-China Archive

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