Preface to Yang Weizhen’s Xingshu and Shen Sheng’s Yuefu

[Preface to Shen Sheng’s Yuefu in Yang Weizhen’s running script]

Preface to Shen Sheng’s Yuefu, yuan, Yang Weizhen’s book, paper, album, 28.3 cm vertically, 76.8 cm horizontally, running script, 35 lines
Explanatory notes of Shen Sheng Yuefu Preface
This page is stamped with five seals: “Kuaiji Yang Weifu”, “Kuaiji Yang Lianfu”, “Baoyi Old Man”, “Dongweizi” and “Qingbai Heijia”. An Qi, Heng Yong and other experts have collected and printed many books
The Preface to Shen Sheng’s Yuefu is a preface written by Yang Weizhen for his student Shen Guorui’s Yuefu poetry collection. The article gives an overall evaluation of Yuefu and Yuefu poets of the Yuan Dynasty, such as Suanzai (Guan Yunshi), Suanzai (Lu Zhi), Xiaoshan (Zhang Kejiu), and praises Shen Sheng for his two talents in Yuefu, which can catch up with the famous poet He Zhu of the Song Dynasty. Yang Weizhen himself is a master of Yuefu in the Yuan Dynasty. His poems are mostly based on historical events and mythological stories, with a strange style. The history of the Ming Dynasty said that he “went in and out of Shaoling and Erlijian, with the sound of golden stone”. Yang Weizhen prefaced Shen Sheng’s poetry collection as the leader of the poetry circle, aiming to draw attention to the later learning, and at the same time to show the friendship between teachers and students. This article is contained in Volume 11 of Yang’s Collection of Dongweizi Essays. It was written in 1360, the 20th year of the Yuan Dynasty. Yang Weizhen was 65 years old. The calligraphic stippling is vigorous and full of changes. The ink is thick, dry and light, with vigorous style and distinct artistic personality
Description of Renyin Summer Relieving Records.
图片[1]-Preface to Yang Weizhen’s Xingshu and Shen Sheng’s Yuefu-China Archive

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