Black-glazed vase

[Black glaze vase]

Black glaze vase, gold, 17 cm high, 13.5 cm caliber, 9.5 cm foot diameter
The lip of the cylinder, the belly of the drum, and the feet of the circle. The inner mouth of the tank is painted with black glaze, the outer wall is decorated with black glaze flowers, the shoulder is textured, and the abdomen is wrapped with flowers and grass. The outsole is unglazed
This tank has a plump shape, black glaze is as bright as paint, and the technique of flower removal is skilled. The yellow and white floor is used to set off the black pattern, which is in sharp contrast and has a good decorative effect. From the characteristics of its body glaze, it should be the product of Shanxi kiln in the Jin Dynasty. In the past, for various reasons, many of the ceramics of the Jin Dynasty were classified into the Song Dynasty, so it was considered that there were no exquisite works of the ceramics of the Jin Dynasty. Since 1949, with the discovery of a large number of ceramic wares in the tombs of the Jin Dynasty, people have gradually gained a clear understanding of the true face of the ceramics of the Jin Dynasty. The objects unearthed from the tombs and the specimens unearthed from the kiln sites have proved that the Ding, Yaozhou, Jun, Cizhou, Zibo, Datong, Hunyuan, Jiexiu and Changzhi kilns in the north at that time were still being fired in the Jin Dynasty, and the products have different characteristics and are not lack of exquisite works.
图片[1]-Black-glazed vase-China Archive

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