Copper handle button

[Copper handle button “seal of deputy system”]

Copper handle button “seal of deputy system”, gold, printing surface 6.5 × 6.3 cm, 4.0 cm high
Printed copper cast, handle button. Inscription in vermilion script, overlapping seal characters, read from the top right
This is the official seal of the Jin regime. In the Jin Dynasty, the military position began with the general command of the Marshal’s Office, and later changed to the Privy Council, which was in charge of civil and military affairs with Shangshu Province. The local top military officer is the left-behind of Wujing and the head of the local army and horse capital, and then the governor and the head of the capital. The military officer at the state level is the governor. In addition, there are also military departments and recruitment departments in the border areas. This seal is the seal of the deputy of the Department of Military Unity.
图片[1]-Copper handle button-China Archive
图片[2]-Copper handle button-China Archive“副统之印”印面图片[3]-Copper handle button-China Archive“副统之印”印钤本

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