Copper handle button “Tongyuan Military Fangcheng Warehouse Copper Zhu Ji” seal

[Copper handle button “Tongyuan Military Fangcheng Warehouse Copper Zhu Ji” print]

Copper handle button “Tongyuan Military Fangcheng Warehouse Copper Zhu Ji” print, Northern Song Dynasty, print 5.5 × 5.3 cm, through height 4.9 cm
The copper casting, handle and button are printed, and there are overlapping strokes in the printed font, and the Zhuwen is read from the top right. In the Song Dynasty, the local administrative areas were divided into three levels: road, state and county. There are two levels of the military, one is at the same level as the state and belongs to the road, the other is at the same level as the county and belongs to the state, and the Tongyuan military defense city belongs to the latter. This seal is the official seal of Tongyuan Military Defense City in the Northern Song Dynasty for the management of stored materials.
图片[1]-Copper handle button “Tongyuan Military Fangcheng Warehouse Copper Zhu Ji” seal-China Archive
图片[2]-Copper handle button “Tongyuan Military Fangcheng Warehouse Copper Zhu Ji” seal-China Archive“通远军防城库铜朱记”印印面图片[3]-Copper handle button “Tongyuan Military Fangcheng Warehouse Copper Zhu Ji” seal-China Archive“通远军防城库铜朱记”印钤本

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