Zhao Ji’s plum blossom embroidery picture page

[Zhao Ji’s Plum Blossom Embroidery Drawing Page]

Plum Blossom Embroidery Drawing Page, Song Dynasty, Zhao Ji’s painting, silk version, color setting, 24.5 cm in length and 24.8 cm in width
The style of this picture: “Royal brush”, “One person in the world”. Seal the “Imperial Book” in vermilion gourd shape. The seal is sealed with “Amen’s Secret Collection”
In the picture, the plum branches are thin and vigorous, with sparse flowers and beautiful stamens on the branches. An embroidered eye stands on the branches, singing and looking forward to each other, and the beautiful plum flowers form an interesting contrast. Although there are not many scenes in this picture, it is quite beautiful and moving. The plum flower painted is the palace plum. After continuous pruning, the traces of artificial decoration are heavy. The painting of this kind of plum is fine and delicate, the color is thick and heavy, and it has a sense of wealth. Such style and interest are favored by the court, which clearly represents the aesthetic meaning of the royal family.
图片[1]-Zhao Ji’s plum blossom embroidery picture page-China Archive

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