Statue of Sakyamuni

[Jingzang Stone Shakya Statue]

Jingzang Stone Shakya Statue, the second year of the Tiantong reign of the Northern Qi Dynasty (566), has a residual height of 24 cm and a width of 26 cm

Five figures of two trees, one Buddha, two disciples, two Bodhisattvas (disabled). The Buddha has a broken head, wears a right cassock, and is broad and burly. After the left palm is bent upward, the two fingers are flat on the inside of the left knee, and the right hand is disabled. Sitting with folded legs, exposing the right foot, the cassocks are laid flat on the seat surface of the waist round seat, with double lines carved with clothing patterns. The two sides of the Buddha are cylindrical trunks with residual crown. Two sharp corners are made at the bottom of the back of the cylindrical trunk. There are disciples standing on the outside of the trunk. The upper part of the right disciple is only below the knee; The left disciple has a thin face with horizontal lines between his eyebrows. His face looks old. He has a round head, wears a right cassock, and holds incense in his chest. All the disciples stood barefoot on the circular platform, supported by a thin column. There are also small circular vestiges on the outside of the disciples. It is speculated that they are also left by the small columns supporting the circular platform, and there should be a threatening Bodhisattva on them. The bottom is a rectangular base, and the platform is carved. In the center, the two gods of the earth hold the Boshan furnace with one hand each. The furnace body stretches out a lotus leaf, carrying fragrant seeds, and a lotus flower extends out of the lotus leaf. On both sides are Dharmapala lions and warriors. The inscription on the back of the pedestal reads “On April 8, the second year of the reign of the Great Qi Emperor, the first area of the white jade statue of Sakyamuni (Buddha) was made by the nuns of the nuns, the king, the emperor, and the parents of the monks, and their relatives, the border and the land were born, all on the right path.”

图片[1]-Statue of Sakyamuni-China Archive

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