Tanyu made stone and thought twice

[Tanji Stone Making Double Thinking Image]

Tanji Stone Making Double Thinking Image, the first year of Heqing in the North Qi Dynasty (562), is 49.5 cm high and 30 cm wide

The back screen of the dragon tree is carved with a double thought image. With opposite posture, he wore a jewel trefoil crown on his head, and the jewel lace hung down to his shoulder. Topless, wearing a peach-shaped collar. Under the skirt, the inside hand touches the ankle, and the outside hand is disabled. The outer leg is half open, and the inner leg is barefoot on the flat and round lotus base. The cylindrical bundle silk seat is flanked by a dragon tree high back screen. The left side is well preserved. The dragon is coiled around the trunk of a cylindrical tree, facing the thought bodhisattva. The mouth of the dragon is tilted upward, spitting out the lotus stem and the lotus platform, and the child is born on the platform. The boy is flying in the sky with two bodies, and his cloth is up, and he is holding a flower vine ring on his side. The outside of the dragon tree is a disciple, dressed in cassocks, with his hands together. The bottom is a rectangular base, and the platform is carved. In the center is the Boshan furnace held by the demigod, and on both sides are the dharma guard lion and the strongman. The text of the vow is carved on the back of the base. It is “On June 10, the first year of the Heqing Dynasty, the Nitan book of the Liuqin Temple made a white jade statue of the double thoughts. The upper part is the Emperor Zuo, and then the seventh generation died first, and the existing straight Buddha is visible.”

图片[1]-Tanyu made stone and thought twice-China Archive

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