Stone Bodhisattva

[Statue of Stone Bodhisattva]

Statue of Stone Bodhisattva, North Qi, 385 cm high and 93 cm wide
The bodhisattva wears a three-leaf treasure crown, with a pearl flame in the center, and the treasure is folded down to the chest. Round face, eyes slightly open, corners of mouth closed, a compassionate look. The two straps of the double-shoulder round ornament hang naturally. Pei and silk are tied at the shoulder in front of the abdomen, hanging to the knee and folded around the arm. An X-shaped wreath is worn on the outside, and a monk branch is worn inside. The left hand is incomplete, and the right hand holds a peach-shaped jade ring. She wore a long skirt with two long belts hanging at the front and back of the waist. Barefoot, standing on the lotus seat.
图片[1]-Stone Bodhisattva-China Archive
图片[2]-Stone Bodhisattva-China Archive石菩萨像局部图片[3]-Stone Bodhisattva-China Archive石菩萨像局部图片[4]-Stone Bodhisattva-China Archive石菩萨像局部图片[5]-Stone Bodhisattva-China Archive石菩萨像局部

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