The way to build stone is like thinking

[Daoqi Stone Making Ideology]

Daoqi Stone Making Ideology, the first year of Xinghe in the Eastern Wei Dynasty (539), with a residual height of 41 cm
Thinking is like wearing a crown, with a slightly longer face, fine eyebrows and eyes, and leaning forward. Sit on the silk round seat with half folded arms, and the lotus under the seat is thin, and spread on the base. A vow is carved on the base: “In the first year of Xinghe, the monks created a white jade statue area (body), with the state and the four benefactors on the top, and affected all living beings and family members of the six Dharma realms. They were all endowed with the merits of the statue and became Buddhas at one time.”
The monks were male monks. There are two ways of saying the four kinds of grace. One is the parents’ grace, the sentient beings’ grace, the country’s master’s grace, and the three treasures’ grace; The first is the kindness of parents, teachers, the Lord and the benefactor. The former is relative to ordinary believers, and the latter is relative to monastery monks. The “three haves” refers to the sentient beings in the three realms (desire realms, color realms, and no color realms). The six paths are hell, hungry ghost, animal, human, heaven, and Ashura, which are the six different results of reincarnation according to Buddhism. Hell is the retribution of the most severe evil, and Ashura is the best result of the good

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