Stone Buddha Statue Stele

[Stone Buddha Statue Stele]

Stone Statue Stele, the third year of Zhengguang in the Northern Wei Dynasty (522 AD), is 224 cm high and 113 cm wide
The middle of the back screen is embossed with a Buddha and two flanks of Bodhisattva. The statue of the Lord Buddha has a round head light, carved with lotus petal pattern inside, covered with a double-necked pendulous cassock, with a monk’s branch inside, dauntless and willing to seal, and sat with folded arms. The lower part of the cassock hung in front of the seat in a triangle. The two flanking Bodhisattvas are all flame tattooed head light, wearing a trefoil crown, and the crown is stretched out and folded down. Wearing a necklace, the cloth is folded around the knee and folded around the arm in front of the abdomen, and the outer end is in the shape of a swallow tail. The two bodhisattvas both hold the jade ring in their inner hands and the lotus bud in their outer hands, and stand barefoot on the round lotus seat. The lower part of the back screen is carved with two dharmapala lions, lifting one forelimb to touch the Boshan stove; The upper part is carved with three flying sky, one on both sides, flying sky draped with silk skirt; The two sides are carved with the statues of nuns and worshippers
This statue monument has the typical style of the Northern Wei Dynasty, with vivid carving and outstanding decorative level performance. It is a highly artistic work of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Shandong Provincial Bureau of Culture allocated it to the Palace Museum

图片[1]-Stone Buddha Statue Stele-China Archive

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