Li Jian made a bronze gilded Buddha statue

[Li Jian made the bronze gilded Buddha of Buddha with many treasures]

Li Jian made the bronze gilded Buddha with many treasures, which was 15 cm high and 7.2 cm wide in the 10th year of Taihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty (486)
There is an independent navicular flame pattern backlight in the back screen of the Buddha. Sakyamuni Duobao Buddha has a high bun, a full-shouldered cassock, a meditation seal on both hands, and a four-legged square seat on the bottom. The front of the seat is carved with two bearers of fragrant flowers. On the back is the statue of Sakyamuni, with flame pattern backlight, and the upper part is carved with a round head light, a high bun, and a right shoulder cassock. The clothes are fine and regular, with a plush texture, with the cultural characteristics of the Xianbei nationality. The right hand is used for saying, the left hand is used for holding the corner of clothes, and each side is equipped with a supporter. A vow was carved on the seat: “In the tenth year of Taihe, the □ □ □ person Li Jian was himself □ The Duobao Statue area, □ the size of the house, saw the world offering □, and asked for the fulfillment of his wish.”
According to Buddhist scriptures such as the Lotus Sutra of the Miraculous Dharma • See the Pagoda Articles, when Sakyamuni said the Dharma Sutra in the Seven Leaves Cave, seven Buddha pagodas emerged from the ground, suspended in the air, and the Duobao Buddha stood in the Leo sign in the pagoda, admiring Sakyamuni, and gave half of them to Sakyamuni, and the two Buddhas sat side by side, Common statement. At one time, thousands of fragrant flowers floated down from the sky and fell on all living beings. Judging from the general situation, those who sit side by side with the two Buddhas should be regarded as the theme of Sakyamuni if there is no special explanation. The two Buddhas are mainly Duobao Buddhas, so the vows often put Duobao Buddhas in front of Sakyamuni Buddhas, and some even call them Duobao Buddhas instead of Sakyamuni Buddhas. From the existing works, this image may be the first in China

图片[1]-Li Jian made a bronze gilded Buddha statue-China Archive
图片[2]-Li Jian made a bronze gilded Buddha statue-China Archive李秳造铜鎏金释迦多宝佛像基座
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