Cao Fashou’s Huayan Classic in regular script

[Cao Fashou’s regular script Huayan Sutra]

Huayan Sutra volume, Northern Wei Dynasty, Cao Fashou’s regular script, paper version, regular script, 24.6 cm vertically and 817.5 cm horizontally
This volume is complete at the beginning and end. The first title is “Dafang Guangfo Huayan Sutra, Volume 34, Part 1 of the Dharma Realm”. At the end of the report, “On April 15, the second year of Yanchang’s life, Cao Fashou, a scholar in Dunhuang Town, wrote this sutra. It was written on 23 sheets of paper. The sutra master Ling Hu Chongzhe, and the master of the sutra.”. The seal is not recognizable. The “second year of Yanchang” in the Northern Wei Dynasty is 513 years
The Dafang Guangfo Huayan Sutra, abbreviated as Huayan Sutra, is an important classic of Buddhism. There are three versions in ancient times. According to textual research, this volume is written in 60 volumes translated by the Buddha Bhadra of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which is called “60 Huayan”, and contains 34 articles in total.
图片[1]-Cao Fashou’s Huayan Classic in regular script-China Archive

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