Monument of Sacrifice to Sangong Mountain

[Monument to Sacrifice to Three Gongs]

Vertical: 149.5 cm, horizontal: 68.2 cm. Donated by Wu Zhaohuang and Zang Huayun
This is the rubbings of the early Qing Dynasty. There are no stone flowers under the word “Xi”. Huang Yi identified it and sealed it with the “gold and stone obtained by Komatsu” seal
The monument was erected in the fourth year of the Han Dynasty (117). The inscription records that Feng, the minister of Changshan, prayed to Sangong Mountain to eliminate natural and man-made disasters, seek favorable weather and harvest, and make its people live and work in peace and contentment. The calligraphy of this tablet combines seal and official script, which is a transitional font from seal to official script. Yang Shoujing’s “Tablets of Peace” said: “It is not seal but official, and it is made of two parts. It is pure ancient and thick, not to mention it. Deng Wanbai (Deng Shiru)’s seal script is mostly from here, and its engraving is private, which is pure and effective.” The monument is now in the Han Stele Hall of Qianfo Cave in Fenglong Mountain, Hebei Province
There are six famous mountains in the northwest of Yuanshi County, Hebei Province, of which Sangong Mountain is one. It has been recorded in the Records of Heshuo Visits to the Ancient Times by Yuan Renxian, who said: “The Sangong Temple is under the Fenglong Mountain thirty miles northwest of Yuanshi County”, and the temple has a “monument to the Sangong Mountain of the Han Dynasty”, that is, this monument. In the thirty-ninth year of Qianlong’s reign (1774), Wang Zhiqi, the county magistrate, paid a visit on the wild slope outside the city. In the 40th year of Qianlong’s reign (1775), when Huang Yike went to the South Palace, it happened that the Santong Hall was searching for the stone tablet. Huang Yi helped to identify the stone tablet. He observed that its characters were both seal and clerical, and the text was simple and ancient. It was different from the Sangong Mountain tablet of the Yuan and the fourth years contained in Hong Shi’s Li Shi. It was carved in the middle of the Han Dynasty, so the county magistrate moved it to Longhua Temple and stood side by side with the White Stone God’s Monastery. The model year of this monument is “the fourth year of the fourth day of the Yuan Dynasty”, and the first word is “Le”. Weng Fanggang took it as the fourth year of the fourth day of the Yuan Dynasty, and Huang Yi and his descendants followed it
Huang Yi’s bibliography of small Penglai Pavilion

图片[1]-Monument of Sacrifice to Sangong Mountain-China Archive
图片[2]-Monument of Sacrifice to Sangong Mountain-China Archive清拓祀三公山碑图片[3]-Monument of Sacrifice to Sangong Mountain-China Archive清拓祀三公山碑图片[4]-Monument of Sacrifice to Sangong Mountain-China Archive祀三公山碑

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