Pottery silver green glaze figurine with Hu Shendeng

[Pottery silver-green glazed figurine of Hu Shendeng]

Pottery silver-green glazed figurine of Hu Shendeng, Eastern Han Dynasty, 23.5 cm high
The figurines have deep eyes and high nose, and wear a pointed hat, which indicates their identity as Hu people. Wear a robe with a right lapel, lace up at the waist, hold a string column lamp in the left hand, hang down the right hand, and sit down. A small man in front of him, with his arms extended to both sides, his left hand slightly higher, touching the left hand of the Hu man, and half sitting on the leg of the Hu man. It is inferred from the robe with the right lapel worn by the villain that it should be an adult, but its size is obviously smaller than that of the Hu people, which reflects the massive and tall figure of the Hu people, indicating that the Hu figurine is not an ordinary person, but a Hu god
At present, there are a large number of pottery figurines with lamps. Generally, there are two types of pottery figurines with lamps. In addition to the above types, the other is that the figurines hold lamps on their heads. By comparing the image of the four-arm god foot on the stone coffin of Shijun of the Northern Zhou Dynasty in Xi’an, it is speculated that the image of this figurine may be related to the Zoroastrianism prevailing in the vast area of the Western Regions at that time, which is a problem worth further discussion.
图片[1]-Pottery silver green glaze figurine with Hu Shendeng-China Archive

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