An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song

[Sanli Bridge Fu Ge Song]

Vertical: 25.3 cm, horizontal: 14.7 cm. Donated by Zhu Yiyu and his family
This is a rubbings between the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is twenty-seven, and the four words “school to attack” are not damaged
The monument was erected in the fifth year of Jianning in Han Dynasty (172). The inscription records the achievements of the guard Li Xi in building the bridge. The official script has 19 lines, each with 27 words. The style of the book is ancient and simple, and contains the meaning of seal. Yang Shoujing’s “Pingbeiji” said: “The Ode to the Fu Pavilion is similar to the Ode to the West Gorge, but the stone selection is not very good, so both the front and the back are killed, or the cloud is also carved again.” Kang Youwei’s “Guangyizhou Double Series” said: “I love the calligraphy of the Ode to the Fu Pavilion, which is dense, and has become insignificant at the end of the Han Dynasty.” The stone is now stored in the Lueyangling Rock Temple Museum in Shaanxi Province
The “Ode to Fu Ge”, “Ode to Shimen” and “Ode to Xixia” are collectively known as the “Three Songs of the Han Dynasty”. This stone carving has its own style, unique standard, and is the standard eight parts of Hanli, which is of high historical and artistic value. As early as in the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, it has become famous and has been promoted by writers and calligraphers of all dynasties. The stone was originally carved in Guojiadi, Xujiaping Jiekou Village, Lueyang, Shaanxi Province (formerly known as Xili, also known as Baiya). In December 1979, farmers built rural roads, and the “Fu Ge Song” was damaged. Later, it was moved to Lingya Temple, bonded and restored, and embedded in the front cave stone cliff. On its right upper forehead, there are seven obvious marks, the longest of which is about 70 cm, the shortest of which is about 20 cm. This is due to the fact that the cliff carving is located at a bend, and the ancient tracker took advantage of the rope to save effort
Huang Yi’s bibliography of small Penglai Pavilion

图片[1]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive
图片[2]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[3]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[4]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[5]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[6]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[7]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[8]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[9]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[10]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[11]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[12]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[13]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[14]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[15]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[16]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[17]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[18]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[19]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[20]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[21]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[22]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂图片[23]-An Analysis of Li Qiao Fu Ge Song-China Archive析里桥郙阁颂

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