Green and white jade repels evil spirits

[Green and white jade repels evil]

Green and white jade repels evil, Han Dynasty, 13.5 cm long, 8.5 cm high. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The jade is bluish white with orange and ochre spots on the surface. Carve an animal lying on the ground, crawling, with flat square head and curved neck. From the head, it looks like a tiger. It has long horns on the top of its head, forked corners, short and powerful limbs, and wings on the side of its body. It is composed of two groups of feathers
There are many imaginary animals in ancient Chinese legends, and these supernatural monsters in jade and stone tools evolved from the legend. Exorcism is a kind of monster that is highly respected by people and appears in many sculptures. Its manufacture is often affected by various animal shapes. This piece of exorcism should be based on the tiger as the prototype to change the animal shape. It is only partially winged and has no bird body. It is vivid and imaginative.
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