Jade bi disc, late Liangzhu culture

Jade bi disc, late Liangzhu culture

  • Image Number:K1C003139N000000000PAC
  • Dynamy:Neolithic Period
  • Category:Jades
  • Function:Rituals, furnishings
  • Material:Mineral/jade jewelry/jade
  • Description:</span, The edge is damaged, the thickness is uneven, the hole is drilled from the two sides, the dislocation is very large, and the hole wall has slight spiral marks. In the 18th century, Emperor Qianlong ordered jade workers to carve the word "Qian" and the divinatory symbols (three horizontal lines) on both sides. The edge of the hole and the edge of the utensil are cut into wide edges, and the whole utensil is dyed maroon. It is called "Han Jade Bi Carving" in the palace. It can be seen that it should be equipped with a large red sandalwood seat for display. The wood seat is rotten

良渚文化晚期 玉璧
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