Jade huang ornament with carved pattern, Liangzhu system

Japanese orphan with carried pattern, Guangzhou system

  • Image Number:K1C002787N000000000PAB
  • Category:Jades
  • Function:Clothing Jewelry
  • Material:Mineral/jade jewelry/jade
  • Description:. Most of the jade ornaments unearthed in Liangzhu Cultural Site are small in size, with animal dragon patterns embossed equidistant on the outer edge. This jade pendant is not only thick, but also has five groups of large eye patterns embossed on the outer edge and four groups of large eye patterns embossed on the inner edge. The five groups of decorative patterns on the upper edge have not been modified by descendants, and they are very light and shallow due to years of abrasion, so they cannot be painted; Four groups of relief patterns on the lower edge may have been deepened by jade workers of later generations according to the original patterns, so rubbings can be made. Up to now, there is no case of large eye relief on the edge of the jade pendant in the unearthed jade articles of Liangzhu culture, but from the analysis of the details of the decorative patterns, this is not a possible imitation in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Therefore, it is temporarily designated as “Liangzhu System”. More unearthed data will be further explored in the future. It can be seen from careful examination of the real object that, except for the four facial details at the lower edge, the upper edge and lower edge

良渚系  雕紋玉璜(局部紋飾後代加琢)
图片[2]-Jade huang ornament with carved pattern, Liangzhu system-China Archive
图片[3]-Jade huang ornament with carved pattern, Liangzhu system-China Archive
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