Yu Shi Lei

[Yu Shi Lei]

Yu Shi Lei is 33.3 cm high, 36 cm wide and 9.9 kg in weight
This Lei has a flat edge, oblique shoulders, a head of beast with a ring and two ears on the shoulder, and an oblique abdomen. The neck is decorated with a steal curve pattern, the shoulder is decorated with a variation of Kui dragon pattern, and the belly is decorated with a banana leaf to Kui pattern
There are five lines and 19 characters in the mouth of Lei:
The imperial historian’s work
Zun Lei. Its
has no
Xinjiang for ten thousand years, and its children and grandchildren
will enjoy it forever
The imperial historian who recorded the land made this Lei by himself, hoping for a long life, and the descendants will use it forever.
图片[1]-Yu Shi Lei-China Archive
图片[2]-Yu Shi Lei-China Archive淊御史罍-局部图片[3]-Yu Shi Lei-China Archive淊御史罍-铭文图片[4]-Yu Shi Lei-China Archive淊御史罍-铭文拓片

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