Shi Li

[Shi Li]

Shi Li, 50.8 cm in height, 47 cm in caliber and 48.8 kg in weight
This tripod is handed down from generation to generation. Its surface is polished and waxed, and its color is black and translucent. It is extremely exquisite and beautiful. This device has a large mouth, a folded edge, a neck, an ear, a crotch, a pocket belly, a leaf edge, and a hoof-shaped foot. The whole decoration is composed of three patterns. The abdomen is based on the back shape pattern, and the upper part is based on the raised six giant Kui dragon patterns; The neck is decorated with double-headed Kuilong back curved band; The inner and outer sides of the ear are decorated with double ring patterns
The inscription on the inner wall of the vessel is in five lines and 29 words:
Only in the beginning of September, Jigeng
Yin, Shiyan (phonetic citation) composition examination
The Holy Duke and the Virgin Concubine
The Holy Concubine. Its Wannianzi
is used by Sun Yongbao. 趛
The main idea of the inscription is that on the first auspicious day of September, Gengyin, Shi Yu forged this big tripod for his deceased parents. May its descendants use it forever. The word at the end of the inscription is the family name of the Shiyi family
The Li Li is majestic in shape. As an important sacrificial tool, it uses a huge animal pattern, which combines movement with stillness and shows a solemn atmosphere. At the same time, this vessel is also the largest and most magnificent Li known so far, increasing its value as a national treasure

图片[1]-Shi Li-China Archive
图片[2]-Shi Li-China Archive师趛鬲铭文图片[3]-Shi Li-China Archive师趛鬲铭文拓片

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