In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle

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Old photos of Chinese warships in the 1884 Sino French Majiang Naval Battle  French participating ships in the 1884 Sino French Majiang Naval Battle<nbsp;

Images of the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle in 1884  The Battle of Majiang (also known as the” Battle of Minjiangkou “or the” Battle of Jiashen “in 1884) broke out on August 23 due to the conflict between China and France over Vietnam in the decade of Guangxu (1884) On the same day, 13 French ships, led by the commander General Gu Bu, launched an attack, destroying the ship’s political situation and sinking the Fujian Fleet at one stroke; Yang Wu& quot; Jian& quot; Feiyun& quot; Fuxing& quot; Fusheng& quot; Jiansheng& quot; Zhenwei; Wait for seven ships; Seven hundred and sixty soldiers below General Gao Tengyun died in battle

Since the Majiang Battle entered the Mawei waters to directly participate in the battle, both the French ships sheltered at the estuary should be included; The battle of Majiang is not a single battle, but a continuation of the battle of Keelung and Tamsui. The next year, there was also the battle of Zhenhai. The French fleet under the leadership of Solitary was responsible for all the above battles. Therefore, it is better to introduce the French Far East fleet as follows without dividing it into three battles

图片[1]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 
图片[2]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 

La Galissonni?re 拉加利桑尼亚 
本舰为"La Galissonni?re"级铁甲战舰的首舰,于1872年5月7日在Brest下水, 1874年7月18日成军。 船长76.62米、宽14.84米、深6.55米、排水量4,654吨。4具锅炉、2座直立式蒸汽主机双轴推进、马力2,370匹、最高速率12节、 航程2,920海里(10节)。 装备6门240mm砲、4门120mm砲、6门138mm砲、4门3磅砲、12门37mm哈乞开斯五管轮转砲,载员352~382人。本舰于1894年12月24日除役报废。


图片[3]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 
"La Galissonni?re".

图片[4]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive
"La Galissonni?re".

Triomphante 凯旋 
本舰为"Triomphante"级铁甲战舰之首舰, 于1877年3月28日在Rochefort下水、1880年10月17日成军。 船长76.85米、宽14.88米、深6.3米、排水量4,150吨。4具锅炉、2座直立式蒸汽主机单轴推进、马力2,214匹、最高速率12节、航程2,740海里(10节)。 装备6门240mm砲、1门194mm砲、6门138mm砲、4门37mm哈乞开斯五管轮转砲,并有鱼雷发射装置,载员352~382人。本舰于1896年7月18日除役报废,1903年售出。


图片[5]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 

图片[6]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive

Atalante 阿塔朗特 
本舰为"Alma"级铁甲战舰, 于1868年4月9日在Cherbourg下水,1869年成军。 船长68.78米、宽14.2米、深6.56米、排水量3,825吨。1座直立式蒸汽主机单轴推进、马力1,640匹、最高速率11节、 航程1,460海里(10节)。 装备6门194mm砲、载员316人。本舰于1887年除役后破损沉没。

图片[7]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive

图片[8]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 

Duguay-Trouin 杜居土路因 

图片[9]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive

图片[10]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive

图片[11]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 

Villars 费勒斯 
图片[12]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 

本舰船身长75.97米、宽11.58米、吃水5.23~5.49米、排水量2,382吨、动力为6座锅炉1台蒸汽机、2,750马力、煤舱容量400吨、 航速14.5节。 本舰装备15门140mm后膛砲。参与马江之役时的舰长是Vivielle。

D'Estaing 德斯丹 


图片[13]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 

Lap?rouse 拉佩鲁兹 

图片[14]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive

Champlan 香伯兰 

图片[15]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive


图片[16]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive
Eclaireur 侦察 
图片[17]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive
"Eclaireur "是"RIGAULTDEGENOUILLY"级巡洋舰,排水量1,722吨。

Tourville 都威尔 
图片[18]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive
" 本舰是一等巡洋舰,排水量5,698吨。

Linois 黎峨 

图片[19]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 

sane 梭尼 
图片[10]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive


图片[21]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive

图片[22]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 

Ch?teaurenault 雷诺堡 
本舰为木壳巡洋舰,于1868年7月20日在 Le Havre的Augustin Normand下水,1880年10月17日成军。 船长78.18米、宽10.74米、深5.74米、排水量1,830吨,4具锅炉、马力1,700匹、最高速率14.27节、载煤290吨。 装备1门163mm砲、6门140mm砲,载员202人。本舰在服役后曾多次修改主机与武器,此处不详列。 本舰于1896年9月1日除役报废,1892年5月16日拆解。

本舰参与马江之役时的舰长是Le Pontois。

图片[23]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 

Volta 窝尔达 
本舰是"Limier"级三等巡洋舰,排水量1,323吨,1864年在Cherbourg建造。 舰长63.40米、宽10.36米、吃水4.47-4.85米,2座锅炉单轴推进、输出马力1000~1100匹、航速12~12.5节、载煤量200~235吨。 装备M1864式或M1866式163mm炮1门、M1864式或M1867式140mm炮4门,载员编制154人。

1894年8月孤拔来到闽江口,因旗舰"Bayard"吃水太深,于是改以本舰为旗舰率队进入闽江到达马尾江面, 让本舰因此在中法海战中留名。本舰参与马江之役时的舰长是Gigon。

图片[24]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive

图片[25]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive

Duchaffault 杜沙佛 

图片[26]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 

Lutin 鲁汀 

图片[27]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive

Vip?re 腹蛇 
本舰排水量471吨,火炮9门,乘员120人。参与马江之役时的舰长是Picard Destelan。

图片[28]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive

Lynx 野猫 

图片[29]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 

Com?te 慧星 
本舰为砲舰, 由Arman, Bordeaux制造,1884年完工,长75.8米、宽8.9米、深2.3米,排水量820吨,1部主机单轴推进,速率10.67节,装备4门160mm砲,乘员79人。 本舰于1909年除役。

图片[30]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive

图片[31]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive

Aspic 益士弼 
本舰排水量471吨,火炮9门,乘员120人,参与马江之役时的舰长是de Fauque de Jonqui?res。

图片[32]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 


图片[33]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 



图片[34]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 
"Sa?ne"的同级舰"La Dordogne",她们都是法国十九世纪中叶建造的"Is?re"级巡逻运输舰。

本艇为二级水雷艇,,属于桿雷型式,排水量31吨。 "No.45"号雷艇参与马江之役时的艇长是Latour、 "No.45"号的艇长是Douzans。

图片[35]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive 
这幅有趣的图是表现"No.45"号桿雷艇的艇长Latour中尉躲在装甲指挥塔内指挥一旁的水兵转动绞车带动铁鍊,以摇起艇艏的撑雷桿攻击「伏波」舰, 艇长右手握的应该是引爆水雷的拉索。

当日"No.45"号攻击"伏波"舰,No.46"号攻击"扬武"舰,由旗舰「窝尔达」号汽艇改装的临时桿雷艇则由大副De Lapeyrre率领攻击「福星」舰,三艇皆获得战果。 法国远东分舰队还有同型桿雷艇"No.44"号与有两具鱼雷发射管的"No.50"号。

图片[36]-In 1884, the French participated in the Sino French Majiang Naval Battle-China Archive



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