1908 Old photo of Dinghai County, Zhejiang Province Scenery of temples in Putuo Mountain a hundred years ago

By sharing a group of old photos of Dinghai, Zhejiang, from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China, we can see the beautiful scenery of Tiantong Temple and Asoka Temple in Taibai Mountain, Yinxian County a hundred years ago

This group of photos is taken by Dading, Changpan, Japan; Sekano Zhen co authored the third volume of **’s Cultural History. The pictures in this book were basically taken between 1906 and 1928</ Div

Dinghai County was established in 1688 (the 27th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty). In 1953, Dinghai County was divided into three counties: Dinghai, Putuo and Daishan. In January 1987, Zhoushan District was abolished and Zhoushan City (prefecture level city) was established. On March 14, Dinghai County was renamed Dinghai District (county level), which is subordinate to Zhoushan City

Let’s take a look at this group of old photos

Mount Putuo is located on the East China Sea. It is said to be the Yinghua Taoist Temple of Guanyin Bodhisattva. It is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China

图片[1]-1908 Old photo of Dinghai County, Zhejiang Province Scenery of temples in Putuo Mountain a hundred years ago-China Archive

普陀山 法雨寺大殿 


图片[2]-1908 Old photo of Dinghai County, Zhejiang Province Scenery of temples in Putuo Mountain a hundred years ago-China Archive

普陀山 法雨寺 玉佛殿


图片[3]-1908 Old photo of Dinghai County, Zhejiang Province Scenery of temples in Putuo Mountain a hundred years ago-China Archive

普陀山 法雨寺 玉佛殿内三尊石佛


图片[4]-1908 Old photo of Dinghai County, Zhejiang Province Scenery of temples in Putuo Mountain a hundred years ago-China Archive

普陀山 潮音洞

图片[5]-1908 Old photo of Dinghai County, Zhejiang Province Scenery of temples in Putuo Mountain a hundred years ago-China Archive

普陀山 磐陀石

图片[6]-1908 Old photo of Dinghai County, Zhejiang Province Scenery of temples in Putuo Mountain a hundred years ago-China Archive

普陀山 普济寺全景


图片[7]-1908 Old photo of Dinghai County, Zhejiang Province Scenery of temples in Putuo Mountain a hundred years ago-China Archive

普陀山 普济寺 大殿

图片[8]-1908 Old photo of Dinghai County, Zhejiang Province Scenery of temples in Putuo Mountain a hundred years ago-China Archive

普陀山 太子塔(1908年3月)

图片[9]-1908 Old photo of Dinghai County, Zhejiang Province Scenery of temples in Putuo Mountain a hundred years ago-China Archive

普陀山 太子塔(1923年10月)


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