Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s

Old photos: Color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s. Can you recognize them&# 8203;&# 8203;&# 8203;&# 8203;

老照片:1940年代的中国城市彩色照片,你能认得出是哪里吗? ​​​​

图片[1]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive

图片[2]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive

图片[3]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive
图片[4]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive图片[5]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive图片[6]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive
图片[7]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive

图片[8]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive

图片[9]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive
图片[10]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive

图片[11]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive

图片[12]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive

图片[13]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive

图片[14]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive

图片[15]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive

图片[16]-Old photos: color photos of Chinese cities in the 1940s-China Archive

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